Policy: Satisfactory Academic Progress (金融援助) (2.9.2)

See PDF copy of this policy.


联邦和州法律要求接受州或联邦财政援助的学生取得令人满意的学业进展(SAP),以获得学位或证书,以保持获得援助的资格.  These laws also require that the standards used must be based on cumulative measures and must include all periods of a student’s enrollment, regardless of whether or not the student received financial aid.  因此, in compliance with federal and state laws, 罗切斯特社区和技术学院(正规赌博十大网站)建立了以下学术进步标准,这些标准将在确定学生获得经济援助的资格时适用.  These standards must be as strict as, 或者更严格, the Academic Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy. 正规赌博十大网站 has designated the 金融援助 Office as the department responsible for ensuring implementation and monitoring of this policy.

Students bear primary responsibility for their own academic progress and for seeking assistance when experiencing academic difficulty.  Students are encouraged to keep a file of their grades and transcripts.


I. Qualitative Measure.

Students are required to carry a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 to be considered for and/or maintain eligibility for 金融援助 funding.  在确定学生的GPA以获得经济援助满意的学业进步时,有关特定课程和成绩的处理的更多信息,请参阅第8节.


II.  Quantitative Measures.

A. Required completion percentage. Students must successfully earn 66.67% of cumulative registered credits.  Refer to Section 8 for more information regarding what courses will be 包括 when determining the student’s completion rate percentage.

B. Maximum Timeframe.  学生可以通过完成学位/文凭/证书所需的学分数乘以150%继续获得经济援助, provided they meet required cumulative GPA and completion rate standards.  All prior credits attempted will count toward the student’s maximum timeframe threshold, regardless if the student changes majors or is seeking a second degree/credential.  在确定学生是否超过了最大时限要求时,有关哪些课程将包括在内的更多信息,请参阅第8节.


3. Evaluation Period.

All students will be evaluated at the end of each term of his/her attendance.  If multiple Summer Sessions are offered in a calendar year, sessions will be combined and progress evaluated as one term.  Students enrolled in a program which can be completed within one term shall be reviewed at mid-term.  Faculty are responsible to submit grades according to published deadlines.  截止日期将以这样一种方式设置,以便让财政援助办公室有足够的时间在10日或之前评估和通知学生th day of the subsequent term.


IV. Failure to Meet Standards.

A. 金融援助 Warning.

    1. 警告状态. If, at the end of the evaluation period, a student has not met either the cumulative GPA standard or the required cumulative completion percentage standard, then 正规赌博十大网站 shall allow the student to retain his/her financial aid eligibility under a warning status for one evaluation period.
    2. 恢复 of students on 警告状态. If, at the end of the warning period, a student has met both the cumulative GPA and cumulative completion percentage standards, then 正规赌博十大网站 shall end the student’s warning status.

B. 金融援助 Suspension of students on warning status. At the end of the warning period, 正规赌博十大网站 will suspend any student who has not met BOTH the cumulative GPA and cumulative completion percentage requirements.  This suspension will be effective immediately upon completion of the evaluation.

C. 金融援助 Suspension for other reasons.

    1. Suspension for maximum timeframe failure. At the end of the evaluation period, if a student has failed to meet 正规赌博十大网站’s standard for measurement of maximum timeframe, the student shall be suspended from financial aid eligibility immediately upon completion of the evaluation.  There shall be no warning period for students who exceed maximum timeframe requirements.
    2. Suspension for extraordinary circumstances. 正规赌博十大网站 may immediately suspend students from financial aid eligibility in the event of extraordinary circumstances including, but not limited to, previously suspended (and reinstated) students whose academic performance falls below acceptable standards during a subsequent term of enrollment; students who register for courses, receive financial aid and do not attend any classes; and students whose attendance patterns appear to abuse the receipt of financial aid.
    3. Suspension for inability to meet program requirements within the maximum timeframe.  At the end of any evaluation period, 如果正规赌博十大网站认为该学生无法在课程结束前提高GPA或课程完成率以达到最低标准,则该学生可能会立即被暂停获得经济援助的资格.

V.    上诉 and Probation.

A. 上诉.

Students who have been placed on 金融援助 Suspension have the right to appeal, based on unusual or extenuating circumstances.  Such circumstances include, but are not limited to, death of relative, 疾病, hospitalization or injury of the student.

Students shall submit, as part of their appeal, 十大赌博正规平台在线学生为什么没有取得令人满意的进步,以及学生的情况发生了什么变化,可以让学生在下一个评估期结束时展示令人满意的学业进步的信息.

An appeal may be approved only under the following circumstances:

    1. 正规赌博十大网站 determines the student should be able to meet SAP standards at the end of the next evaluation period.


    1. 正规赌博十大网站 develops an academic plan with the student that, 如果之后, shall ensure that the student will be able to meet SAP standards by a specific point in time. If the academic plan includes term standards of GPA and percent of completion, they shall be higher than 正规赌博十大网站’s normal standards so as to allow the student to improve his/her GPA and/or percent of completion.

The initial consideration of appeals shall be undertaken by the 正规赌博十大网站 上诉 Committee, who will review the information submitted and make a determination.  If the student is dissatisfied with this decision, the student may appeal to the Vice President of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.  Students wishing to appeal must complete the Suspension Appeal form (provided online) and submit supporting documentation.  Results of all appeals shall be communicated to students via email to the student’s 正规赌博十大网站 e-mail account.  批准的上诉通知应包括学生预计达到的标准或学生预计完成的学术计划,以便在下一个评估期结束时保留经济援助资格.

B. Probationary 状态.

A student who has successfully appealed shall be placed on 金融援助 probation for one evaluation period.  At the end of this evaluation period, if a student on financial aid probation status

    1. Has met 正规赌博十大网站’s cumulative GPA and cumulative completion percentage standards, then student shall be returned to good standing.
    2. Has not met 正规赌博十大网站’s cumulative GPA and completion percentage standards, but has met the conditions specified in his/her academic plan, then student shall retain his/her financial aid eligibility under a probationary status for a subsequent evaluation period.
    3. Has not met 正规赌博十大网站’s cumulative GPA and completion percentage standards, AND has also not met the conditions specified in his/her academic plan, then student shall be re-suspended immediately upon completion of the evaluation.


VI.   Notification of 状态 and Appeal Results.

A. 状态.

正规赌博十大网站 will notify a student in writing any time the student is placed in a warning, suspension or probation status.  For each action, the following information will also be provided to the student:

    1. Warning Notification: The student will be informed of the conditions of their warning status.
    2. Suspension Notification: The student will be notified of their right to appeal.
    3. 试用期通知:学生将被告知必须达到的预期标准或他/她预计要完成的学术计划,以便在下一个评估期结束时保留经济援助资格.

B. 上诉.

正规赌博十大网站 will notify a student via an official communication (正规赌博十大网站 email) of the result of all appeals. 如果得到批准, 上诉通知应包括学生预计达到的标准或学生预计完成的学术计划的清单,以便在下一个评估期结束时保留经济援助资格. If an appeal is denied, the notification shall describe the reason(s) for the denial and the process for appealing to the Vice President of Student Affairs.


7.  恢复.

Students may be reinstated when they are meeting 正规赌博十大网站’s financial aid satisfactory academic progress qualitative and quantitative standards.  In the case of unusual or extenuating circumstances, a student may also be reinstated after having successfully appealed.  无论是自己付学费还是静坐一段时间都不足以重新确立学生的经济援助资格.



8. Treatment of Grades and 信贷s.

A. Treatment of Grades.

信贷:  The unit by which academic work is measured.

Registered 信贷s:  The total number of credits for which a student is officially enrolled at the end of the drop/add period each term.  Registered credits include repeat coursework, developmental coursework and consortium credits.  Registered credits do not include transfer credits or audits.

完成了对. Non-completed 信贷s(Used to calculate percent of completion) Completed credits include those with only the grades of A, B, C, D, S and P.  Non-completed credits include those with grades of F, FN, FW, I, IP, N, NC, W or Z.  Non-completed credits will be treated in the calculation as attempted, but not completed.

级分:  Calculated using courses for which a student receives a letter grade of A, B, C, D or F, FN, FW.  Grade points are not calculated for grades of I, IP, NC, P, S, W or Z.  (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F, FN or FW=0.)总绩点是由该成绩的绩点值乘以课程学分数所得的总绩点.  See academic transcript for explanation of historical grading annotations not addressed in this policy.

Grade Point Average (GPA):  The quotient of the student’s grade point total divided by the grade point credits.  Each grade report shows the student’s GPA for the term and cumulative GPA since admission.  “P” does not carry a grade point value, and as such, is not calculated in the GPA.  A “P” will not improve the student’s GPA.  However, “P” credits count toward total registered credits.

不完整的:  An “I” is assigned only in exceptional circumstances, and is a temporary grade.  An “I” grade will automatically become an “F” (if course is offered Pass/No 信贷, 如果没有令人满意地完成课程作业的要求,“I”将在下学期结束时自动成为N/C.

Non-Reported Grades:  If an instructor does not report a letter grade, a “Z” is assigned to the course.  “Z” does not carry a grade point value, and as such, is not calculated in the GPA.  However, “Z” credits count toward total registered credits.

B. Academic Amnesty (Fresh Start).

When reviewing a student’s 金融援助 standing under this policy, all credits for which the student has been granted academic amnesty (“fresh start”) shall be 包括 in the qualitative (GPA) and quantitative (Completion Rate/Maximum Timeframe) measurements.

C. 审计的课程.

Audited courses are not funded with 金融援助 and are not 包括 in any 金融援助 Satisfactory Academic Progress measurement(s).

D. Consortium 信贷s.

信贷s for which 金融援助 is received under a consortium agreement will be recorded on the student’s record.  These consortium credits will be 包括 when determining the student’s cumulative GPA, completion percentage and maximum time frame calculations.

E. Remedial 信贷s.

补救/发展课程(课程编号低于1000)将包括在确定学生的累积GPA时,不包括在累积完成百分比中.   Up to 30 remedial/developmental credits shall be excluded when calculating the student’s maximum timeframe.

F. 重复的课程.

Students are allowed to repeat courses for the purpose of passing or improving their grade.  A student shall not be permitted to receive financial aid for more than one repetition of a previously passed course.  All repeated courses are initially 包括 in the GPA and completion rate calculations.  All credits are 包括 when determining if the student has exceeded the maximum timeframe criteria.

If they so choose, it is the student’s responsibility to petition to the Admissions and Records Office to have their GPA adjusted after repeating a course.  If a petition is approved, only the course with the highest grade is 包括 in the student’s cumulative GPA.  See 正规赌博十大网站 policy regarding course repetition, number of times a course may be repeated and the total number of course repetitions allowed.

G. 转移学分.

正规赌博十大网站接受并用于学生课程要求的转学分应计入已尝试和完成的学分,以计算累计完成百分比.  Grades associated with these credits (if any) shall not be used in calculating cumulative GPA.

Transfer credits accepted by 正规赌博十大网站 and applied toward the student’s general education, program or degree requirements shall apply toward the maximum timeframe calculation.

H. 取款.

信贷s for which a grade of “W” is received are considered attempted, but not successfully completed credits.  The “W” grade does not impact GPA but DOES negatively impact the student’s cumulative completion percentage.



Academic Plan Academic Action Plan A student who successfully appeals for reinstatement of financial aid eligibility may be required to complete, during a probationary period, specific requirements contained in an academic plan developed for the student by his/her 正规赌博十大网站 Advisor or Counselor.
Evaluation Period 正规赌博十大网站应在每个学期结束时或在少于一年的课程的中间点测量满意的学术进展.
金融援助 Suspension of students on warning status A student on financial aid suspension status is not eligible to receive financial aid (including grants, loans and work study).  经济援助资格被暂停的学生只能通过正规赌博十大网站的上诉程序或当他们再次达到经济援助令人满意的学术进步累积平均成绩和累积完成百分比标准时才能重新获得资格
Maximum timeframe The maximum number of cumulative attempted credits within which a student must complete his/her academic program.
缓刑的地位 在这种状态下,成功上诉的学生将在一个评估期内恢复其经济援助资格, after which he/she must either have met the cumulative GPA and cumulative completion percentage standards, 或者已经成功完成了正规赌博十大网站咨询/咨询人员为该学生制定的学术计划的要求.
Qualitative measure The Grade Point Average (GPA) a student must maintain in order to retain financial aid eligibility.
Quantitative measure The “pace” at which a student must progress through his/her program in order to retain financial aid eligibility.
Required completion percentage The percentage of cumulative attempted credits that a student must successfully complete in order to retain financial aid eligibility.
警告状态 一种状态,在这种状态下,即使确定学生没有达到累积GPA标准,也可以在一个评估期内继续保留其经济援助资格, the cumulative completion percentage standard, 或两个.


Date of Implementation:    Fall Semester 2023

Date of Adoption:      06/09/97

Revisions:   1/30/04; 5/10/05; 3/25/08; 07/08/11; 2/24/15; 11/1/17 (no changes) ; 05/14/2021; 10/24/23